
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Blessing Those Who Serve

Detail from the stained glass windows
in Bishop Martin Marty Chapel depicting
different works by the sisters.


Saint Benedict makes a point that everyone in the monastery serves the other through the work of the house.  At our monastery, these 'house charges' are part of each sister's schedule.  Everyone from Prioress to Postulant shares in the care of our home.  These house charges vary according to the sister's abilities: dishwashing, serving, receptionist, dusting, paper shredding, and on the list goes...

Benedict devotes a whole chapter to the Kitchen Servers of the Week.  In chapter 35, he instructs how the servers are to be cared for and how they are to care for others.  Essential to this chapter is Benedict's bringing the week's incoming and outgoing servers forward for a blessing at prayer. 

Immediately after the Morning Office on Sunday, the incoming and outgoing servers shall prostrate themselves before all the brethren in the oratory and ask their prayers. Let the server who is ending his week say this verse: "Blessed are You, O Lord God, who have helped me and consoled me." When this has been said three times and the outgoing server has received his blessing, then let the incoming server follow and say, "Incline unto my aid, O God; O Lord, make haste to help me." Let this also be repeated three times by all, and having received his blessing let him enter his service.
RB 35: 15-18

Within our community, we don't serve by the week, but often have specific charges on certain days for the summer, spring, or fall.  We can't bless each server for her variety of house charges each week, but the community recognizes and celebrates this service to each other during Vespers on the first Sunday of every month.  At the end of prayer on those Sundays, the Prioress blesses the community and all our communal service to each other with a simple prayer and a sprinkling with Holy Water.


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