
Sunday, April 19, 2015

Benedictine Oblates: living the Benedictine life wherever you are called


Last evening we celebrated the oblation (promises to live the Gospel life while following the Rule of Benedict) of several of our Benedictine Oblates.

Sisters Bonita and Joelle listen
as Sister Penny, Prioress, addresses the oblates.

Benedictine Oblates are Christian people who associate themselves with a Benedictine community in order to enrich their Christian way of life. Oblates shape their lives by living the wisdom of Christ as interpreted by St. Benedict.  They seek God by striving to follow His Will in their chosen profession and way of life.  In this way, they continue to manifest God's presence in society by integrating their prayer, ministry, and work of all kinds.

Sisters Bonita, Eileen, Joelle, and Penny, Prioress,
witness the oblates promises.

Our oblates come to us from a variety of places.  While the main program is through the monastery in Yankton with both adult and college programs available, our oblates also gather in Sioux Falls; Lincoln, Steinauer, Hastings, and Omaha, NE; and even online for those too far away from a Benedictine community in their own area!

The oblates gather regularly to read and reflect on the Rule of Benedict, discuss their faith life, and share in Lectio Divina and the Liturgy of the Hours.

Curious about becoming an oblate?  Follow the imbeded links throughout the story for more information about the way of life for a Benedictine Oblate!

Congratulations to all our oblates!

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