Holy Thursday was a mix of joy and solemnity. Following monastic tradition, we held our foot washing ceremony before supper. This was celebrated in our Chapter room for the sisters of the community; however, this year we welcomed our Triduum retreatants as well. It began with a simple service with scripture and song and then our prioress, sub-prioress, and procurator sit or kneel between the choirs of sisters as we, one by one, came forward to have them wash our feet. It was powerful to watch as the sister we elected leader, carefully removed the shoes and socks of our sisters and gently wash and dry the sister's feet before returning her shoes.
After the ceremony, we processed with joy to an Agape Supper! We began with a prayer reminding us of the blessings of bread and wine and community. Then the refectory was filled with laughter and story as the meal was served 'family style' at each table. This Agape celebrated our love for each other, community, and Christ.
Holy Thursday Mass began with our statio procession into Chapel and after Mass we also processed out of chapel. Father Thomas, gently bearing the Blessed Sacrament, followed the procession of sisters, candles, and incense. The sisters sang the Pange Lingua along the way accompanied by our musicians tucked into little corners along the hallways. With the Sacrament transferred, our silence began. Even the bells were stilled for this sacred silence.
Good Friday began in a silence which continued throughout the day allowing for the simple solemnity of prayer. The hymns and chant of Lauds were sung without accompaniment (with an occasional single tone to keep us on pitch). The prayer is simple, stripped of the opening call to prayer and crossing of our lips. The reading for the day was chanted by our cantors; their Latin harmonies hauntingly beautiful in their cry for God's mercy.
A few sisters quietly carried out their services to the community, but if our work could be set
aside, it was. Meals were simple and light. However, there was one exception. Our baker continued the tradition of fresh hot cross buns served at lunch. A sweet reminder of the promise of Easter yet to come.
Our Good Friday service began in silence as Father Thomas and his acolyte walked up the aisle to reverence the altar. It wasn't until the sisters processed forward to venerate the cross that they realized the many locals who had joined the sisters for this afternoon hour of prayer with the Lord.
Easter Vigil was filled with symbol, sacrament, and sacred song. A perfect evening greeted the sisters and guests as we gathered outside for the blessing of the Easter Fire and the new Easter Candle. From there we processed up to the Chapter Room for the journey through the Old Testament readings and the glory of the first Alleluias.
Our Prioress then led the procession with the Easter Candle to the entrance to Chapel and the newly filled water font for the blessing of water, renewal of Baptismal promises, and sprinkling rite. Newly blessed and renewed, the sisters and gathered community processed into the Chapel singing the Gloria and ringing bells.
It was a glorious night with song and light filling the Chapel after a long Lent.
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